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We live in a world which is full of uncertainties and you are bound to have times when you are feeling low and it is quite normal. Sometimes, you just need a shake of your head to get back to work but sometimes it needs much more than that. So, what to do really to get back on track or even to get up from bed.
Just accepting the fact that yes you are feeling low but you need to get up and do things might set the pace for you.

Don’t be harsh on yourself, accomplishing even the smallest of task is a good start, even if it is like getting up from the bed and planning what to wear.

Make a list of the tasks you have to accomplish and mark them in priority. Choose the ones which require less attention first and that might get you going for tougher tasks. But even if you don’t feel up even for lightest work, then don’t beat yourself up.

Gear yourself with some mood uplifting work like music, painting or just soaking in sun and watching around, or a small walk around the park.

Call a friend who can talk to you and pep you up or watch a nice movie like eat, pray and love which tells you that ultimately life will be good.

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