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After quitting my corporate job in 2014, I have been working on various aspects of training and development. But deep inside, I was searching for something specific which I would like to work upon beyond regular trainings. This could be the search of purpose of my life or something similar.

11th Dec 2016: A friend of mine told me about a video “How to be a Global Speaker by Fredrik Haren”. I watched the video the same day. I really liked it and got interested to learn more. I wrote an E-mail to Mr. Fredrik Haren.

16th Dec 2016:  He replied back and asked me to watch two other videos in the same series. I watched those two videos and replied back to him. He then asked me to read all his blogs at I was so curious in learning more from him, that I read all 108 blogs in next 3-4 days. In one of the blogs it was shared that he offers individual coaching to people. So I requested him to give me a coaching session. He mentioned that he offers coaching for the members of APSS (Asia Professional Speaker Singapore Association) and hence I decided to take up the membership of APSS. Mr. Haren usually prefers face to face discussion. He told me about the Annual Convention on APSS in May, 2017, so I can plan to attend the conference and we can have the coaching session during the same. And to get that one coaching session from Mr. Fredrik Haren, I decided to attend the convention in Singapore in May 2017.

During this journey, I have learnt a lot of things. I must say that if he would have offered me a session on my first contact with him, the quality of session would not have been that good. Because, during all this I was going through period of “Self-Study” and quality of learning during “Period of Self-Study” enhances the quality of learning that one gains from “Period of Resonance” i.e. meeting. Suddenly things went in my favour and Mr. Fredrik Haren planned a tour to India to promote Professional Speaking Association of India and I got the opportunity to meet him in Delhi on 23rd March, 2017.

When I was expecting an hour of meeting with him in Singapore, I got the opportunity to spend the whole day with him in Delhi. I had a detailed discussion with him about my core topic. He gave me really useful pointers to further delve into. For the next two-three weeks after our meeting, I was in deep thinking mode to analyze more on my core topic. And then this journey of around four months took me to this topic “The Secret behind Super Achievers: Self-Education”. I started interviewing people to know their point of view on this. After that I decided to compile these findings in the form of a book and share it with the participants of APSS convention in Singapore. Hence I started working to get this physical book out in a span of less than 20 days and here it is :). Also I made it sure that I could carry a book for each APSS convention participant in Singapore to share my journey of Self-Education.

Also though I just planned to attend APSS convention earlier, here is what happened:

  1. Three month’s back when I booked Singapore flight to reach on 2nd May at 5:30 PM, I did not know that I will get an opportunity to attend Brian Tracy session organized by APSS
  2. I did not know plan for 3rd and 4th May earlier, but further to my surprise, I came to know about HR-Summit and top of it APSS booth at HR-Summit

And here I am learning, exploring, sharing with fellow Global Speakers to make this WORLD a better PLACE to LIVE. So whenever something is happening SO FAST, just TRUST your-SELF and ENJOY.

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