Background Emotions & Beliefs are what make our life. We create our reality with our thinking. With clear and focused thought, intentions are created and fulfilled and goals are achievable.Emotionally driven thinking is clouded and based on baggage from the past. Negative Emotions & Beliefs are root cause of all the limitations, stress & dis-ease […]
Do you agree that we have 26 alphabets in English, as given below A = 1 ; B = 2 ; C = 3 ; D = 4 ; E = 5 ; F = 6 ; G = 7 ; H = 8 ; I = 9 ; J = 10 ; K = […]
पाण्डव पाँच भाई थे जिनके नाम हैं – 1. युधिष्ठिर 2. भीम 3. अर्जुन 4. नकुल। 5. सहदेव ( इन पांचों के अलावा , महाबली कर्ण भी कुंती के ही पुत्र थे , परन्तु उनकी गिनती पांडवों में नहीं की जाती है ) यहाँ ध्यान रखें कि… पाण्डु के उपरोक्त पाँचों पुत्रों में से युधिष्ठिर, […]
Know more to get more!! Benefits Helps to protect DNA from damage Strengthens our Body’s bio-field preventing from electro-magnetic waves affecting our health Increases focus and concentration Helps to retard the ageing process Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification Enhances cellular permiability Reduces inflammation Promotes unclumping of cells Enhances blood circulation Enhances Immune and Endocrine systems […]
Emoto believed that water was a “blueprint for our reality”[clarification needed] and that emotional “energies” and “vibrations” could change the physical structure of water. Emoto’s water crystal experiments consisted of exposing water in glasses to different words, pictures or music, and then freezing and examining the aesthetic properties of the resulting crystals with microscopic photography.Emoto […]