Everyone around is very motivated in saving some buck. Here is one way to get extra discounts with online websites like Flipkart, Amazon etc.
- These online shopping site, provide a facility to become affiliate seller. For Flipkart link is Flipkart Affiliate and for Amazon Affiliate Program it is.
- You will be given an affiliate id with option to create smart links and banner. These links carry your affiliate id and in a way convey respective website that this deal has come through your link. These site pays some % commission to affiliate and it varied depending upon the vendor.
- Now as individual owner you can make shopping through your affiliate link. Also you can suggest your family for the same. In additional if you are a blogger or website owner, then you can use these mechanism for making money in addition to regular advertisement.
- You can use other smart ways also on your website and blogs. So if you are writing a blog about some person, you can add the link of biography or technical book on your website with you affiliate link. Customer would get he benefit that they would get direct link of the product and you would make some extra bucks on it. Total Win-Win situation.
Do let us know your thoughts about it. MotivationalGyan is always there to help people.
Note. You can use this to make money by referring other people. Using it for your own shopping may not be allowed by respective website.
Reference: Using Creative Common Image Resource